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Silence your acoustic piano. Practice whenever you want
I have a Pfeiffer piano, roughly 40 years old. Pfeiffer is a premium brand, using in my case premium hammers, and using a Renner mechanic. They provide their mechanics to the most reknowned brand, e.g. in a Steinway & Sons Model D (Hamburg) you will find one. So naturally, I was quite nervous on touching my …
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Help to automatically select NordVPN server on your router
Just a quick service post and reminder to myself: To update the NordVPN server to the currently least loaded one for a given country, I’ve written some scripts that can be used when restarting the VPN connection or periodically to keep the OpenVPN configuration always updated. Basically, those scripts download a template config from NordVPN …
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Dive into Spring Cloud Data Flow on Kubernetes with Minikube for Mac OS
So you want to run Spring Cloud Data Flow on Kubernetes. Let’s start. First you must install Kubernetes and Helm. As a Kubernetes distribution, I used minikube and installed it using homebrew brew install minikube helm For Spring Cloud Data Flow, I use the Bitnami helm charts here. To deploy Spring Cloud Data Flow, you need to …
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I’m working in IT and like to travel. So much for now.